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महाविद्यालय में प्रायोगिक विषय भूगोल, गृह विज्ञान की प्रयोग सामग्रियां एवं आधुनिक उपकरणों से पूर्ण सुसज्जित प्रयोगशालाएं हैं। प्रायोगिक विषयों का चयन करने वाले छात्रों द्वारा प्रयोगात्मक कार्य करते समय उपलब्ध उपकरणों/प्रयोग सामग्रियों का उपयोग विभागीय अनुमति से किया जायेगा प्रयोग के दौरान उपकरणों/प्रयोग सामग्रियों की टूट-फूट एवं क्षति की पूरी जिम्मेदारी सम्बन्धित छात्र/छात्रा की होगी तथा ऐसी स्थिति में विभागाध्यक्ष द्वारा लगया गया अर्थदण्ड अनिवार्य रूप से देय होगा।
A good pronunciation makes a good communicator. Therefore this College of Education is equipped with a fine language laboratory. Students can perceive the sounds of different phonetic symbols and hear them distinctly. It helps them develop their pronunciation, accent and intonation. Every student has provision to stop, rewind and replay the tape at any time. The students can work at their own place. He/ She can select the materials freely and the teacher can listen to individual students without disturbing the others. The teacher can communicate with the students and also control the programme when she/he so desires.
College maintains all standards of NCTE in Science Lab and this lab has all equipment and apparatus in the Science Lab. Science Lab of the college will be upgraded time by time and equipments are apparatus will be purchased time by time. Science lab is separate and complete in all respects.